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Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation in Bend

Learn more about our veterinary orthopedic manipulation below.

Veterinary Orthopedic

What is VOM?

Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation is a healing technology that identifies areas of an animal’s nervous system that have fallen out of communication. It allows the body to reestablish neuronal communication in those areas, thereby inducing healing.

Is Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation Chiropractic Care?

No- VOM exists in between veterinary medicine and chiropractic care. It has similarities to some of the chiropractic modalities and functions by restoring function by reducing “subluxations” as is done in chiropractic care. It uses a hand-held device that is used in a popular human chiropractic technique called “Activator Methods,” but it is not to be confused with that technique. The differences between VOM and Chiropractic care are significant and distinct.

VOM exists in a gray area between both professions (Veterinary and Chiropractic) and benefits from the positive aspects of both, a hybrid, and thus are more effective than either method by itself.

Why is VOM so Accurate?

VOM finds and reduces all neuronal subluxations. All neuronal subluxations have a pathological reflex demonstrably associated with them. A pathological reflex (read) is like a knee-jerk response. It is either there, or it is not. It is an objective means to determine the presence and reduction of neuronal subluxations. The pathological read is not “partially there,” “kind of there,” or “almost there,” adding a factor of subjectivity to interpretation.

How It Works?

All chiropractic modalities have one thing in common: They all reduce the vertebral subluxation complex by providing motion or force to the fixated or subluxated joint.

Spinal Injury => Neuronal Subluxation Syndrome => Pathological Read

Neuronal Subluxation + Motion (force) => Subluxation Reduced

So if you put motion into a joint that is associated with neuronal subluxation sign (a pathological read), you reduce the subluxation. It is that simple. All the various types of chiropractic techniques use this theory of putting motion or force into the subluxated joint. VOM delivers its force with a hand-held device called a spinal accelerometer. It looks a bit like a spring-loaded doorstop.

What does the Hand-held device do to my pet?

It reduces the subluxations present in the joints of your pet. It cannot create a subluxation in your pet. It can only activate the neuronal switches that are turned off. It cannot flip a switch off. It provides very accurate and precise motion to specific areas of the pet’s spine, and if a subluxation is present, it can detect and reduce it quickly without pain or injury. It can confirm that the neuronal subluxation is reduced even if it is not associated with an anatomical listing.

Can the device and VOM harm my pet?

No! The beauty of VOM Technology is that it provides the exact amount of force to the subluxated joint needed to reduce the subluxation without having to induce a lot of motion. It is a motion that can potentially injure the animal – i.e., torsion, twisting, mass movement, etc., which are inherent in manual adjusting techniques.

The device trades motion for speed to maintain the force needed to reduce the subluxation through Newton’s Second Law of Motion (force=mass x acceleration). In over 45,000 animal adjustments, including pets with fractures, tumors, and acute spinal disease, Dr. Inman has yet to injure or damage a pet with the accelerometer. (Note: sometimes the adjustments may cause some minor pain or discomfort, but it does not produce enough movement to cause injury.)

Why not just use your hands like other Veterinary Chiropractors?

Because our hands are too slow. An excellent veterinary chiropractor can move a joint under optimum conditions and patient cooperation in 80 milliseconds. An animal’s natural reflexive resistance to adjustment is 20 milliseconds – 4 times faster.

Since manual adjustment methods are unable to overcome reflexive resistance, a very high level of patient relaxation and cooperation, as well as excellent technique, is imperative for success using manual adjusting. In comparison, the device fires at a rate of 2-4 milliseconds – 5-10 times faster than the animal’s ability to resist adjustment. The patient is always adjusted, every time, all the time, whether they want to or not, in any position, attitude, or mood.

In my experience, only 50% of domestic animals will completely cooperate with manual chiropractic adjustments. All of them can be adjusted using VOM Technology.

What can VOM treat?

Routinely treated are conditions such as:

  • Acute and non-acute lameness
  • Progressive lameness
  • Hip dysplasia – like syndromes
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Progressive myelopathies (down in the rear)
  • Urinary and fecal incontinence
  • Unilateral lameness
  • Wobbler’s disease
  • Disease of the knee
  • Esophageal disease
  • Increased or decreased GI mobility disease
  • Digestive disorders
  • Performance problems
  • Behavioral problems
  • Agility dysfunction
  • Endocrine disease
  • Many more